Thursday, December 2, 2010

Not The Smartest Man in the World

So, why “Smartest man in the World”?  Clearly I’m not the smartest man in the world; I think that distinction belongs to my father.  It all started when I was working on my Master’s Degree in Human Resources and Personnel Development.  I had an instructor who said he looked forward to our classes because he enjoyed the fact that I could debate either side of a topic.  During one class he was at a loss getting several students (not military) to understand a concept he was trying to teach.  I asked if I could take a shot at it and everyone understood my explanation.  The instructor asked me how it felt knowing when I “look in the mirror in the morning; I have probably already seen the smartest person I would see all day?”  Several of my fellow aviators were in the class and called me the ‘Smartest Man in the World’ after that.
I also start a sentence with “I know I’m not the smartest man in the world but…” at least twice a week.  It usually followed by some great answer to a problem that won’t work because they haven’t given me all the information.  Come on people, I know knowledge is power but I can’t solve all of your problems without knowing all of the constraints.
It’s also a much better story than how I got to be “Hey Nav”, “Lancelot”, “Lance”, “The Hammer”, “Glow Worm”, or simply “The Worm”.

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